Parkes & Forbes Community Hub
What is cardiovascular disease (CVD)?
Cardiovascular disease refers to large range of diseases in the heart and blood vessels. Types of CVD include coronary heart disease, stroke, heart failure, peripheral vascular disease and congenital heart disease.
According to the 2007-2008 health statistics one in six Australians have CVD

CVD is the biggest killer in Australia and accounted for one third of all deaths in 2009

Source: ABS, Causes of Death, Australia, 2010. Source data (Table 5.1) (62KB XLS).
Note: Based on underlying cause of death.
What are the risk factors of cardiovascular disease?
Poor diet
Physical inactivity
Excessive alcohol consumption
High blood pressure
High cholesterol
Where can I find out more about CVD?
Your local doctor will be able to discuss your risk of developing CVD and provide more information on what you can do to avoid it.