Parkes & Forbes Community Hub
If you're thinking about suicide watch this
If you're trying to help someone who is suicidal watch this
Sometimes life can be difficult and it can be tricky to cope with mental and physical conditions. However life always changes and good days are ahead. If you, a friend or family member is having negative thoughts and thinking about suicide, contact the services below.
Emergency services
Contact if you are in an emergency or at immediate risk of harm to yourself or others
Beyond Blue
1300 22 4636 (24/7)
Chat Online 3pm-12am 7 days a week
Provides counselling for young people who are have difficulties at home, with friends, at school or for any other concerns
Phone counselling 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
13 11 14
Online web chat 7 days, 8pm-4am
Hold On To Life @ the Australian Suicide Prevention Foundation (24/7)
1800 HOLDON (1800 465 366)
Suicide Call Back Service
Support if you or someone you know is feeling suicidal
Phone Counselling 24hours, 7 days a week
1300 659 467
Parkes District Hospital
Coleman Road, Parkes
6861 2400
Forbes District Hospital
Elgin St, Forbes
6850 2000