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Eye Sight


Why should you have your child’s sight checked?

Your eyes allow you to see the world. Eye exams are able to determine if prescription eyeglasses or contact lenses are needed, check for common eye diseases and evaluate your eyes for overall health.


Does eye sight impact on learning ability?

Yes as we all learn about the world around us through out eyes. This is important during the school years, as kids need to learn about language, maths, science, and history as well as develop social and emotional skills through vision. Hence it is important for your children to have regular eye exams 


Where can I go to get my childs eyes tested?

Click here for your local optometrist.

        © 2013 by THE SpICE GIRLS

'Hayley Smith, Hannah Bruhn, Namrata Chikkerur, Jane Yeow, Emilie Lowe & Joanne Hendy'

Speech Pathology Students, Medical Imaging Student & Physiotherapy Students


 Â© 2014 by THE SpICE TEAM

'Hannah Jeffery, Elise Wright, Tayla Watson, Dean Yamak, Kate Nixon'

Speech Pathology, Physiotherapy and Environmental Science students


 Â© 2014 by THE SpICE TEAM

'Priyam Mani, Rosalind Fletcher, Kirby Skulander'

Speech Pathology and Health and Rehabilitation students


This website was created by Charles Sturt University students for the Parkes/ Forbes SpICE Project. The information contained here was accurate at the time of publication and should NOT replace the professional advice of qualified Health Professionals.

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