Parkes & Forbes Community Hub
Feeling unsafe
Feeling unsafe could mean being scared because some is bullying you, being worried that your friends have stopped talking to you, your family is saying mean things about you or any time you are feeling scared, nervous, anxious or afraid. It is never ok for someone to make you feel scared and you should talk to your parents/carers, friends, school teacher or one of the organisations below. By talking to someone they may be able to find ways to solve the situation or make sure you are safe from further harm and danger.
Kids Help Line
For children to talk to someone if something at school is bothering you, if you’re feeling sad, confused or anything other feeling.
Phone 1800 55 1800 (available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week).
counsellor@kidshelp.com.au (It can take up to 2 weeks for a counselor to reply so if you need to talk to someone straight away ring)
Australian Childhood Foundation
Counselling for children and young people affected by abuse.
1800 176 453
http://www.stopchildabuse.com.au or http://www.childhood.org.au
Mensline Australia
Supports boys and men dealing with family &/or relationship difficulties
1300 78 99 78
Child Abuse Prevention Service
Confidential support for children who are being abused
1800 688 009
Sexual Assault Counsellor
Provides support and counselling to people who have been sexually assaulted
Forbes Community Health Centre
Conducted 3rd Wednesday of each month
Corner Elgin and Church St
6850 2233