Parkes & Forbes Community Hub
Resources useful for Parents:
This document contains a number of activities that can be used at home or in the classroom as lesson break activities.
These are some ideas of activities parents can use at home to help stimulate language.
Suitable for kindergarten children.
Basic Language tips for language at home
These tips, games and activities are also suitable for kindergarten children and can be used at home.
Resources useful for teachers:
These flash cards can be used as a drill with students aged K-2.
Improving Articulation Activity for teachers
This activity provides teachers with diagrams to help assist students with the placement of various sounds.
Phonemic Awareness Warm Up excerise
Mr Tongue's House helps to promote awareness of the sounds and movements involved in spoken language. Mr Tongue's house is a reading game that involves children to listen to the story and sounds and respond with the appropriate sounds and actions.
This assists children to hear and manipulate without the aphabetic writing system.
This resource looks at the hierachy of teaching phonological skills in literacy.
Strategies to accommodate language and learning needs
Blend bingo is a fun, interactive game that can be used at home or as a lesson break activities for teachers.
These can be used by teachers as lesson break activites and can be modified to be used at home by parents.
Turn taking activity for Kindegarten
This lesson plan is also targeted at preschool children as it assists with school readiness by focussing on the priciples of turn taking.
These resources have been provided for teachers to be implemented within the classroom to support students. These activities can also be used at home to encourage and support children's speech and language.