Parkes & Forbes Community Hub
What is mental health?
Mental health is the balance of psychological, emotional and social wellbeing. Mental health affects the way we feel, think and act in situations. Our mental health is determined by a variety of factors including life experiences, family history, brain chemistry and genetics.
What are some of the warning signs of poor mental health?
Under of over sleeping and or eating
Low energy
Feeling numb, hopeless, confused, forgetful, angry, worry
Yelling of fighting with friends and family
Acting withdrawn from usual friends, family and or activities
Severe mood swings
Persistent thoughts and or memories
Hear voices
Self harming thoughts
Thoughts of harming others
Inability to perform usual daily tasks
Increased smoking, drinking or drug use
What are some of the different types of
mental illness?
Bipolar mood disorder
Personality disorder
Eating disorders
Where can I find out more or get help with mental health?
Lifeline A 24 hour helpline 13 11 14
Kids Help Line An online counselling and telephone service 1800 55 1800
Mensline A help line for men 1300 78 99 78
Suicide Call Back Service Free national counselling 1300 659 467
NSW Farmers Mental Health Network
How can I improve my mental health?
Exercise regularly
Eat a well balanced healthy diet
Talk about your feelings to your friends and family
Get plenty of sleep
Spend time with loved ones
Take time to relax
Take up enjoyable hobbies
Set realistic goals
Discuss any mental health concerns with your GP or health worker