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What is diabetes?

Diabetes is a chronic disease which affects the way some foods are broken down and stored. Healthy bodies use a hormone called insulin to convert sugar (Glucose) into energy. In diabetics glucose which is commonly found in foods such as breads, fruit, sweets and milk, is not broken down correctly and is not converted in to energy. This results in glucose staying in the blood and what produces a high Blood Glucose Level (BGL). A fasting BGL of 7.0mmol/L or greater is usually considered diabetic.

There are three main types of diabetes:


Type 1 Diabetes

Type 2 Diabetes

Gestational Diabetes


What can I do to reduce my risk of getting diabetes?


  • Eat a healthy well balanced diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables, reduce salt and cholesterol intake.

  • Get plenty of physical activity everyday

  • Maintain a healthy weight and reduce waist measurement. Women below 80cm and men below 90cm.

  • Quit smoking

  • Reduce Blood Pressure


To calculate your risk of developing Diabetes click here.



I have just been diagnosed with diabetes, where can I get help?


Your local doctor will be able to provide you with general information concerning Diabetes as well as help you with a long term diabetes management plan.


Parkes Community Health Centre

Coleman Road

Parkes NSW 2870

(02) 6861 2500

Diabetics Drop in clinic for Diabetics on the 1st Tuesday of the month from 9am-12midday as well as a visiting Diabetes Educator to provide education and counselling for Diabetes management.


The National Diabetics Service Scheme (NDSS) is a free service for people with Diabetes. The NDSS provides up to date and affordable products, information and support to those who have Diabetes. For more information on NDSS click here.

Helpful websites

Diabetes - NSW

Diabetes Australia


Android Apps 


Diabetes Diet


        © 2013 by THE SpICE GIRLS

'Hayley Smith, Hannah Bruhn, Namrata Chikkerur, Jane Yeow, Emilie Lowe & Joanne Hendy'

Speech Pathology Students, Medical Imaging Student & Physiotherapy Students


 Â© 2014 by THE SpICE TEAM

'Hannah Jeffery, Elise Wright, Tayla Watson, Dean Yamak, Kate Nixon'

Speech Pathology, Physiotherapy and Environmental Science students


 Â© 2014 by THE SpICE TEAM

'Priyam Mani, Rosalind Fletcher, Kirby Skulander'

Speech Pathology and Health and Rehabilitation students


This website was created by Charles Sturt University students for the Parkes/ Forbes SpICE Project. The information contained here was accurate at the time of publication and should NOT replace the professional advice of qualified Health Professionals.

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