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Why should your child be vaccinated?

Vaccinations are important, especially for children, as they are able to protect them against diseases. Some of these diseases are still present in society and can cause injury or death. Vaccinations are particularly important for people in the community who are unable to have them due to being too young, have severe allergies, weakened immune systems or for other reasons. If all other members of the community have the vaccinations, these people will be protected.  


Which vaccines do my children need to have?

Click here for a vaccination timeline. 


Where can I get my child vaccinated?

Childhood immunisation can be conducted at:

Forbes Community Health Centre 

Conducted 3rd Wednesday of each month

Corner Elgin and Church St

6850 2233

Appointments essential


For more information visit


        © 2013 by THE SpICE GIRLS

'Hayley Smith, Hannah Bruhn, Namrata Chikkerur, Jane Yeow, Emilie Lowe & Joanne Hendy'

Speech Pathology Students, Medical Imaging Student & Physiotherapy Students


 Â© 2014 by THE SpICE TEAM

'Hannah Jeffery, Elise Wright, Tayla Watson, Dean Yamak, Kate Nixon'

Speech Pathology, Physiotherapy and Environmental Science students


 Â© 2014 by THE SpICE TEAM

'Priyam Mani, Rosalind Fletcher, Kirby Skulander'

Speech Pathology and Health and Rehabilitation students


This website was created by Charles Sturt University students for the Parkes/ Forbes SpICE Project. The information contained here was accurate at the time of publication and should NOT replace the professional advice of qualified Health Professionals.

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